We needed a place to place to set our beverages and snacks while enjoying the outdoor spa. We already had 3 ingredients. Branches from a Bradford Pear, solar lights and some leftover IPE wood.
We needed a place to set our beverages and snacks while enjoying the outdoor spa
The first step was to cut the branches into 4 legs and a central beam. I cut notches into the branches so that I could connect the limbs together with glue and deck screws. Milwaukee M18 multi-tool made that possible.
We had some multi-color solar lights that were losing their capabilities to charge, and they definitely weren’t going to recharge under the deck cover. I bought a 3 volt power supply and wired the “formerly” solar lights for real time power. 3 volts is not exactly the required voltage, but it seems to work just fine.
The final step was building a table top by leveling some cross beams of tree branches and covering with the IPE planks. The IPE is a Brazilian hardwood which makes it perfect for the outdoors. Sanded and finished off with stain for dramatic effect and protection. Additionally I stained the branches which gave the base a nice look.