Let’s hear it for the first ladies of ROCK! The iconic Wilson sisters made every 70’s and 80’s girl wanna get on stage and sing or pick up a guitar and rock & roll all night. Heart has it all, hard rockin’ or singing the blues or the melodic ballads of love found and love lost. Even It Up is made up of phenomenal performers who make it their mission to make you feel like you are at a Heart show – and they really pull it off!
Which Wilson sister did you want to be (or date), Ann or Nancy?

Kristy Johnson’s awesome vocals as Ann Wilson will amaze! Even at the end of a couple of long sets, she still has the chops to bring an off the charts tribute set to Led Zeppelin! Do NOT even think of leaving early. Casey Nicole nails it handling Nancy Wilson guitar and vocals. Of course she took lead on “These Dreams” and brought the heat with her lead guitar. Phil Scholling on lead guitar, Glenn Johnson on guitar, keyboards, vocals and brass, Troy Groeneweegen on bass, and Philip Bradley on drums are fantastic and a huge asset to make Even It Up such a great tribute show.
We loved how Even It Up was really interactive with us in the audience. We were up front near the end of the show several of the band members were walking around the venue playing and singing. It was really fun and made us feel like we were part of the show. We can’t wait to see them again soon.
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